The Opioid Epidemic:

<p>The opioid epidemic, often relegated to mere headlines and fleeting news segments, is a profound and pervasive crisis that has woven its tendrils deep into the heart of our communities. It&rsquo;s not just a distant issue discussed in policy meetings or medical conferences; it&rsquo;s a lived experience for countless families, neighbors, and friends. The sheer magnitude of its impact is felt in every corner of our society, from urban centers to rural towns.</p> <p>While the epidemic has indiscriminately affected people from all walks of life, its impact on women is particularly alarming. Women, often the caregivers and nurturers of our communities, find themselves at the intersection of societal pressures, medical practices, and the devastating effects of opioids. The reasons for this disproportionate impact are multifaceted. Historically, women have been more likely to be prescribed painkillers, sometimes for chronic conditions, and often in higher doses than men [2]. This increased exposure to opioids and biological differences in pain perception and processing place women at a heightened risk of developing an opioid use disorder.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>