Opinion: Denver, Venezuela share some likenesses

<p><em>The author used artificial intelligence in crafting this report.</em></p> <p>Somebody referred to Denver as &ldquo;Denverzuela&rdquo; in the comment stream of one of my news articles this week. That got me thinking &mdash; what is Venezuela all about?</p> <p>Understanding and acceptance among cultures often comes when they learn about each other&rsquo;s experiences. I never have been to Venezuela and didn&rsquo;t know much about it. I decided to mine the internet a little bit and see what I could learn. Here&rsquo;s a crash course on Venezuela, and how it is &mdash; and is not &mdash; like Denver.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@davidheitz50/opinion-denver-venezuela-share-some-likenesses-8d1ffc8ab542"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Opinion Denver