What is TriMet bus operator training like?

<p>However, to even get to training, you need to get through the hiring process. There are some tests on how you handle people, an interview, and a drug test. Here&rsquo;s the catch about the drug tests: you can&rsquo;t use marijuana or cannabanoid products or any other drugs while you are TriMet bus driver; it&rsquo;s federal law and drivers get randomly tested the entire time they are employed by TriMet. So don&rsquo;t take that first drug test and then go out and celebrate or whatever thinking you got a job, because you&rsquo;ll probably have another random urinanalysis in your future at some point. Bottom line, drugs and bus driving don&rsquo;t mix, so if that is something that is part of your life, give it up or don&rsquo;t expect to last long at TriMet. Think about it this way, do you want to ride on a bus driven by a person under the influence?</p> <p><a href="https://donciler.medium.com/what-is-trimet-bus-operator-training-like-23cdfc489d90"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>