How to get rid of a file that won’t delete because it’s open in windows explorer. The easy way.

<p>It&rsquo;s often really annoying when we have to delete a file but it won&rsquo;t delete because it&rsquo;s open in windows explorer and no matter how many times you hit &ldquo;try again&rdquo; it won&rsquo;t just delete. How do we go around this? Easy actually. We use our good ol&rsquo; command prompt.</p> <p><strong>Here are the steps:</strong></p> <ul> <li>copy the path to the file you&rsquo;re trying to delete</li> <li>run task manager and end explorer: To run task manager, right click on your taskbar and click on &ldquo;task manager&rdquo;. In task manager, look for &ldquo;explorer&rdquo;, right click on it and click on &ldquo;end task&rdquo;. Your taskbar should disappear at this point, don&rsquo;t panic.</li> <li>run command prompt as administrator (this helps if you&rsquo;re trying to delete something from program files): On your keyboard, press&nbsp;<strong>windows key + R&nbsp;</strong>to open the run dialogue box. Type in cmd, then press&nbsp;<strong>ctrl+shift+enter</strong>&nbsp;to run it as administrator. A popup will show, just press yes.</li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>