My ongoing journey in facing my fear of heights.

<p>I have never always been scared of heights; it is a relevantly new phenomenon for me. I grew up and realised that I am not invincible, and that was the most painful thing to learn. It was not a conscious development, my fear of heights. I was a very fearless child, I could climb the monkey bars, in parks, which were extremely tall, when none of my peers could (in proportion to my height when I was younger) and go on fair rides I could not see myself going on now.</p> <p>It is upsetting to realise that I am afraid of heights when I had never been scared of heights before. My fear of heights is the instant fear that I will fall, I am in the open air, and I have nothing to grab onto, with thoughts that those railings will not hold me against gravity, and when I am in constant fight or flight. My fear of heights is so damaging because I am not just fearful for myself but for those I care about. It is an overwhelming sensation of anxiety and fear.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>