5 Ways Our Departed Loved Ones Communicate With Us

<p>When we lose someone we love the pain is unbearable. We feel as if their presence and everything they were is gone forever. Conceptually we might know they are, &ldquo;with us&rdquo; but they feel so far away. We are left to pick up the pieces alone.</p> <p>Those feelings are valid, but they are only true in the physical sense. Everything that our loved one was isn&rsquo;t gone, they have only traveled back home. The physical vessel is the only thing gone.</p> <p>Everything else remains, rejoined to the other side where we too have come from and will return. You might even be able to get a sense of home if you relax and feel for it.</p> <p>Although that isn&rsquo;t necessary to communicate with your loved one, it&rsquo;s just helpful to know. It gives you a foundation for communication. If you have an understanding that we are eternal you can better receive messages from the other side.</p> <p>Receiving messages from a departed loved one is often easier than from a guide because we have a very strong physical bond with them, our minds won&rsquo;t second guess it as much.</p> <h2>5 Ways Our Departed Loved Ones Communicate With Us</h2> <p><strong>Visitation dreams</strong>- Not your ordinary dream, a visitation dream stands out and feels very real. This is a common way loved ones visit with us to let us know they are still around.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/new-earth-consciousness/5-ways-our-departed-loved-ones-communicate-with-us-ff09aba37b36"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>