CDM: Master of Digital Media — Term One Review

<p>CDM&rsquo;s Master of Digital Media (MDM) is a 16-month program affiliated with four BC universities (BCIT, Emily Carr, SFU, UBC). It blends real-world industry projects and course work, facilitating experiential learning for students.</p> <p>When researching different options for digital media programs, I came across some reviews, like this one for&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">BCIT</a>, which helped me make an informed decision. I thought I would do the same for prospective MDM students as, prior to starting at the CDM, I had no idea what to expect.</p> <p>We are the fifteenth cohort to pass through CDM&rsquo;s, albeit virtual, doors. This term was conducted remotely, and I expect the rest of the program will be too. Due to the remote nature of the course, my cohort will be more equipped for remote work, more task-motivated, and more capable with remote tools.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Review Master