One Major Root Cause of Unhappiness

<p><strong><em>When do you shut the door of happiness on yourself?</em></strong></p> <p>The answer is very simple, and that is:</p> <p><strong>Expecting&nbsp;</strong>so much from others. This is the root cause of unhappiness. The other person on whom you rely for happiness can be your husband, your boss, your mother, your friend, your sibling, and anybody else who is important to you.</p> <h2><strong><em>But why do you depend on others?</em></strong></h2> <p>It happens when you emotionally attach yourself to a person exceeding a limit. You start expecting too much from that person, and people may not always fulfill your expectations, either because they have different priorities or they simply cannot.</p> <p><strong>Whenever it happens, you develop a sense of letdown and frustration, and because of this, you automatically become unhappy. Do you agree?</strong></p> <h2>Non-verbal expectations</h2> <p>Non-verbal or unspoken expectations can lead to misunderstandings. The other person may not be aware of what you want from him/her. This lack of clarity causes frustration and unhappiness.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>