Once Upon A Time, My Story Won The Pulitzer — Sort Of

<p>Writer or not, why are we such hasty authors of our own lives? I think it&rsquo;s fair to say you&rsquo;re a writer as soon as you realize writing is what happens&nbsp;<em>after</em>&nbsp;the first draft. Maybe you&rsquo;re a budding writer at that point, but at least you get it.&nbsp;You understand that writing is sculpting words with deliberation.</p> <p>But for reasons only evolution can explain &mdash; and a bunch of scientists &mdash; the story happening in front of us at any given moment is written and published in our minds in a flash of a second. Every story thereafter builds on the preceding volume.</p> <p>If our oeuvre was listed on The NYT Best Seller list &mdash;&nbsp;<em>My Life In Nanoseconds</em>&nbsp;&mdash; would we buy it? If not, why do we buy it now?</p> <p>I set out for my walk the other day and passed a man walking his dog. I didn&rsquo;t know this man &mdash; unlike many walkers around here who I&rsquo;ve befriended over the years. But I did like I will do, and smiled and said, &ldquo;The weather&rsquo;s amazing! I can&rsquo;t believe you&rsquo;re in pants and I&rsquo;m in a jacket!&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/age-of-empathy/once-upon-a-time-my-story-won-the-pulitzer-sort-of-25b5cdf108d6"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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