Analysis Of The Olympics In Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 2016

<p>How Brazil got the Olympics is a controversy itself. It has since been revealed that an Olympic committee member, Carlos Arthur Nuzman, had agreed with the Brazilian government in exchange for $2 million to guarantee Brazil winning the Olympic host country. At the time, Rio was already in debt of $107 billion and the cost of the event was well over $13 billion. These costs included transport, hotel rooms, sports complexes as well as environmental clean-ups. Subsequently, about one and a half months till the Olympics, the state of Rio had to ask the government for financial support. Additionally, many families were forced out of their homes for the creation of the Olympics stadiums, causing huge distress to the residents of the city. (USA Today, 2017, pg. 1)</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Olympics Rio