Olympia Arts MIAMI Taking Art to the Streets
<p>Singer/ Songwriters, Jazz/Pop Ensembles, Jugglers, Electronica, Comedians, Opera and Performance Artists pop-up on the steps of the <a href="https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001RoUEB30fR3f_8g4NpNILpBX8TPbsga_keg1_qU0ztzVBdk042m-yHgU0_Vc13UnTGDOugyw6FnRWPRbq2yWAzZ8JSfAmf8vw9sy1IKSRw2RH1HMCzPUWqdy-XEGMhdXKL5Wc91j868CL7uzCLgn0502wgJuCytNR&c=qp720auxol_xpW9MRnJXbJTr-oZVxVOtDt66zEmYk4I4VZKymTkLpQ%3D%3D&ch=OP6k7zA6uahKV0HE05zGsK-YBi58icbKbUkju1secblcqacLv5uJmg%3D%3D" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>Old Post Office</strong></a>. Short sets create a perfect fit between drinks and bites in Downtown restaurants and bars.</p>
<h2>Thursday March 9 and Saturday March 11.</h2>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:371/0*FtNtKtO9L0tgI5hc.jpg" style="height:337px; width:337px" /></p>
<h2><strong>Cachita Lopez & Friends • Latin Jazz. Thursday — 4:00–5:30 pm.</strong></h2>
<p>A top artist, <strong>Cachita López </strong>is a culturally influential Singer, known around South Florida for her seamless fusion of styles and musical genres and her dynamic performances. She is particularly known for her Jazz and Traditional Cuban Repertoire. Lopez has graced the stage and studios with the likes of <em>Gloria Estefan, Arturo Sandoval, Negroni’s Trio, Jose Feliciano, Edwin Bonilla, Natalia Gimenez </em>and <em>Indina Menzel</em> to mention a few. Most recently, released her debut album “<strong><em>Mercedes</em></strong>” a traditional Bolero album dedicated to the memory of her grandmother.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/downtown-news/olympia-arts-miami-taking-art-to-the-streets-5342c4402758"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>