On the Trail of a 395-Year-Old Murder

<p>October 1628: Commander Francisco Pelsaert set sail from Texel, Holland. He had with him around 316 men, women and children as part of a fleet of six other vessels. His destination was an active trading port, today known as Jakarta. Between them were months of rough seas and unpredictable weather. But this did not hinder them; they reached their first (and last) scheduled stop at the Cape of Good Hope (modern-day South Africa) six months later, in April of 1629. Soon after departing the Cape, Pelsaert had to publicly reprimand his two next highest-ranking officers, namely Jeronimus Cornelisz, the Under-merchant and Arian Jacobsz, the Skipper. This soured their relationship and resulted in hushed plans of mutiny. The plans of mutiny were foiled, not by Pelsaert,</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@sandeeoster17/on-the-trail-of-a-395-year-old-murder-2ba5def16d68"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Old Murder