Old Lisbon Never Gets Old

<p>Lisbon&nbsp;<em>is</em>&nbsp;old, but it never&nbsp;<em>gets</em>&nbsp;old.&nbsp;This is the fourth visit for us since October 2021. The more Teresa and I come here, the more we want to return again.</p> <p>Visiting a city for just a few days creates an artificial impulse to see and do as much as possible, to check main attractions off a list. But now that we have already seen a good number of the tourist highlights, there&rsquo;s absolutely no pressure to do anything other than to fl&acirc;neur &mdash; to wander about without a plan, following our noses and keeping our eyes open for the unexpected. Just taking a stroll from our hotel to the city center and back is enough fun for a day. Being less dazzled by the monuments, churches and palaces allows the quirkiness of Lisbon to better reveal itself.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/old-lisbon-never-gets-old-cfc5a46e249e"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Old Lisbon