How to Break Up With Someone Without Breaking Them

<p>Last year, I had lunch with an old coworker after her supposedly &quot;toxic&quot; relationship ended. We will just call her Bertha.</p> <p>Before those loosen-the-lips Martinis even hit the table, Bertha showed me hilarious text messages she had sent her ex-boyfriend after their breakup.</p> <p>Her character assassinations were so ridiculously cutting that I almost burst a blood vessel, trying not to laugh. Let&rsquo;s just say her zingy one-liner insults made the meanest burn books look like&nbsp;<em>Little House on the Prairie</em>. She wasn&#39;t punching down. She was pummeling down.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: coworker