The COP28 Cop Out: A LobbyFest For the Oil Oligarchs

<p>Every year as I skim the news about these COP climate &lsquo;summits&rsquo; I want to vomit watching politicians, influencers, and other climate denier trash kowtow to big oil money in posh surroundings.</p> <p>This year there is no longer any pretending this thing is not owned by the oil business, and is nothing but a huge PR stunt designed to make it look as though the billionaires care. If you doubt, count the super yachts docked nearby.</p> <p>Bill Gates, who actually does useful things with his money, has one. Everyone who is anyone has one. They should be called super toys, huge energy pigs that like any other toy get played with once a year.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Oil Oligarchs