The new way of car sales. Visiting Cazoo office in Lisbon

<p>The used cars market is one of the largest retail markets in the world. For a long time, this market was owned mostly by auto dealers purchasing used cars or trading in them from their customers and reselling these cars to the buyers. Most of the dealers are more focused on margins than customers&rsquo; needs. So improving the customer experience of used car selling and buying became the desired goal for many startups worldwide.&nbsp;<strong>Cazoo</strong>&nbsp;is one of them. Quite successful in the UK market with 6000 cars a month sales and a team of 3700 people. Founded by Alex Chesterman, the creator of Zoopla, and supported by many famous investors. One of Cazoo&rsquo;s tech hubs is located in Lisbon and I recently visited it, took many photos and talked to several people from the product team. Join me and let&rsquo;s take a look at how the online product and effective offline operations could solve really challenging offline problems.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Office Lisbon