Odd batch

<p>The underground is at medium capacity and I feel jolly from my visit to Oxford Street. A day defined by retail therapy and moments alone. The young man opposite me, in the priority seat, eats his food in starvation mode. I reach for my litre bottle to meet my daily water requirements. I sip it slowly remembering the rain today, my torn paper bag of clothes and buying things I really felt I needed.</p> <p>He smelt really bad and his bag was full of shopping. Food items like cereal, white bread, chocolate and butter. He looks like he is eating for three. Me, I&rsquo;m looking at the scales every day trying to eat less and lose more weight. Yet, he, obscurely pulled out item after item and devoured the whole lot.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/blueinsight/odd-batch-59fed16dd5c9"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Odd Batch