October Prompt: Who Inspires You? LeVar Burton

<p>I&rsquo;m taking up the&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/counterarts/the-black-history-of-banned-books-d7ca9ce0816d" rel="noopener">prompt</a>&nbsp;of talking about being inspired by black achievements, black leadership, and black creatives to talk about&nbsp;<a href="https://levarburton.com/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">LeVar Burton</a>.</p> <p>He is an American icon of literacy and made a lasting mark on pop culture as one of sci fi&rsquo;s most beloved characters. Everyone I know has either heard of&nbsp;<em>Reading Rainbow</em>&nbsp;or watched it, and everyone I know has seen&nbsp;<em>Star Trek: The Next Generation</em>&nbsp;and remembers Geordi La Forge. As an adult, I also learned of Burton&rsquo;s groundbreaking role as Kunta Kinte on&nbsp;<em>Roots</em>.</p> <p>I am referencing LeVar Burton&rsquo;s&nbsp;<a href="https://levarburton.com/shows/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">personal website</a>&nbsp;for all background information on the shows he has been involved with.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/counterarts/october-prompt-who-inspires-you-levar-burton-36d13ddca4d7"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: October Prompt