Observations about Sydney Part 2

<p>Particularly Los Angeles as it was so spread out. We (as in my mother and I) travelled all over the city via train and bus. What stuck out in my first view was how clean and convenient public transport was back then. I say &ldquo;back then&rdquo; because the public transport isn&rsquo;t quite so good in 2023. Nowadays it&rsquo;s a bit overcrowded and lack of timeliness is certainly more of a pressing issue. But despite its drawbacks I&rsquo;ll take all forms of public transport in the major Australian cities rather than what&rsquo;s comparably available in the major American cities. You have your handful of drongos out here but it&rsquo;s safe for the most part. &ldquo;Drongo&rdquo; translates into a dim witted fool. But in the late 90s it was clean and supreme. So much so that my mum commented (several times) on how much she enjoyed the public transport in Sydney. There&rsquo;s no equivalent in America where she would say the same :)</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@icorp100/observations-about-sydney-part-2-c6a1188850bc"><strong>Website</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>