Field Observations in Oak Woodland #1

<p>The ensatina salamanders were together when I lifted the damp cardboard for garden mulching. One is cute enough, but there were two together. They are as captivating in real life as in the picture, at least to me and some of my friends. I felt as if I had been given a gift to discover this species. I see California newts almost every year, but I have never before seen these beauties. I want to tell everyone about seeing them, but I realize that some people are not as excited about them as I am.</p> <p>This is where you come in, dear reader. You are saving me from boring my grandchildren, friends, and relations about the ensatinas and the raven that I fed this week. I will write down the details for you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Oak woodland