People, Numerous and Diverse

<p>Living in mass society presents us all with problems we are ill-equipped to deal with. We live surrounded by strangers, and most of us have moved house, and even town, more times than we care to count. In workplaces and accommodation we live alongside people we have known, will know, only for short periods of time. All of this is very new for our species.</p> <p>For the vast majority of the time humans have been on Earth we have known the same group of people all of our lives, whether in a band, a village, or a neighbourhood. So we come to the contentious Dunbar Number, and the question of how many people we should ideally interact with, have in our lives, close to us. What is the ideal maximum size for a group of humans? We might, by the way, ask the same question of chickens, and the answer definitely isn&rsquo;t 4,000 or 10,000, or however many might be crammed in a commercial chicken house.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>