What Is up with the number 13?

<p>This is where it gets interesting, and current, there are 5 Venus cycles which occur every 8 years and within those 8 years Venus goes around the Sun 13 times.&nbsp;<strong><em>We just went through a venus star point on 22/10/22. The connection here is to the Fibonacci Sequence because 8 +5 =13.&nbsp;</em></strong>You could say we stand in a divinely powerful time, the 8 year shift has begun and this is the beggining of the rise of the Goddess! What does that mean? The venus star point we just moved through is about to bring feminine power to the forefront of society, real feminine power, all that was taboo will become norm, women will once again freely exude sexuality as the ancient women who were revered as powerful Goddesses did. Fashion trends and attitudes will change drastically, watch out for a massive culture shift&hellip;blink and you may miss it however if you look closely you will see that this is underway. Today is the Goddess day, so before we continue&nbsp;<strong>Happy Friday the 13th</strong>&nbsp;!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@DIGITALDIMENSIONZ/what-is-up-with-the-number-13-b1fbbabf2727"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Number