How a Japanese Fisherman Survived Nuclear Fallout

<p>Koji hunkered low in the cramped hold of the Daigo Fukuryu Maru, the drone of the engine a steady beat against the howling wind. His hands ached, the nets rough against his calloused skin, but it was the relentless rocking that made his stomach churn. He&rsquo;d been a fisherman since boyhood, but the sea had never felt so hostile, so alien.</p> <p>Suddenly, a flash tore through the gloom to the west. Blinding, even with his eyes squeezed shut. Heat washed over him in a sickening wave, then silence, broken only by the crash of the waves. He blinked, spots dancing in his vision. The other men were shouting, pointing. Something monstrous boiled on the horizon, a luminous cloud rising from the east.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>