Note-Taking Weapons I Use to Tame the Tech Beast

<p>In this modern era, almost everyone has multiple computers around their house.</p> <p>Problems are now solved by devices specifically crafted for that purpose.</p> <p>Want to play games with the highest possible graphics? Build a powerful PC.</p> <p>Want to work while traveling? Get a lightweight laptop.</p> <p>Do more design while traveling? Get a 2&ndash;1 tablet/laptop combo.</p> <p>Want to play games on the go? Get a Switch.</p> <p>Combine this with machines issued by companies, and you&rsquo;re left with many devices spread across your household, with all your thoughts/notes spread across them.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve found this problem infuriating as I want all my notes to be consolidated in one place so that I can reference them easily whether I&rsquo;m on my PC, work laptop, phone, tablet, or home laptop (it&rsquo;s too much I know).</p> <p>I think other people struggle with this problem as well, so I wanted to share a few tools that I&rsquo;ve found useful that help me fight back against the multi-headed hydra of technology. (Not affiliated with these in any way, just enjoy using them)</p> <h1>Gitbook</h1> <p>Gitbook has come a long way since I started using it, but it&rsquo;s a helpful tool that you can use to keep notes across devices.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve used the free version extensively and enjoyed the ability to create multiple sections to keep my thoughts separate, but accessible.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>