Diagon Alley Revisited – A Nostalgic Return To Edinburgh
<p>Last time I lived in Edinburgh it was 1993. I moved there with a bunch of friends after university. As you might expect from a group of people who’d spent more time in the pub than in the lecture theatre, none of us had managed to get a proper graduate job.</p>
<p>It was the middle of a recession so we figured we’d go hang out in Edinburgh, continue the party lifestyle, do some temp work and maybe even find a job to make our parents proud.</p>
<p>At that time no one had heard of She Who Must Not Be Named, although funnily enough 1993 was the year that she moved to Edinburgh. She’d already sketched the outline for the Harry Potter books but in 1993 J.K. Rowling began writing in cafes such as Nicolson’s (now Spoon) and no doubt was influenced by the city’s history and architecture.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/diagon-alley-revisited-a-nostalgic-return-to-edinburgh-a85b931fb6e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>