Diagon Alley Revisited – A Nostalgic Return To Edinburgh

<p>Last time I lived in Edinburgh it was 1993. I moved there with a bunch of friends after university. As you might expect from a group of people who&rsquo;d spent more time in the pub than in the lecture theatre, none of us had managed to get a proper graduate job.</p> <p>It was the middle of a recession so we figured we&rsquo;d go hang out in Edinburgh, continue the party lifestyle, do some temp work and maybe even find a job to make our parents proud.</p> <p>At that time no one had heard of She Who Must Not Be Named, although funnily enough 1993 was the year that she moved to Edinburgh. She&rsquo;d already sketched the outline for the Harry Potter books but in 1993 J.K. Rowling began writing in cafes such as Nicolson&rsquo;s (now Spoon) and no doubt was influenced by the city&rsquo;s history and architecture.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/diagon-alley-revisited-a-nostalgic-return-to-edinburgh-a85b931fb6e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>