Nostalgic Fun Facts On Computing For Each Day of A Year

<p>Doyou know, Youtube was registered on Valentine&rsquo;s Day, Apple was founded on April Fool, and Gmail was released on April Fool&rsquo;s Day with 1GB of free storage (which was large at that time, causing people to think it was a prank)?</p> <p>Do you know that even though World Wide Web Day is celebrated on August 1 instead, the world&rsquo;s first HTML served through WWW was on August 6, 1991, instead?</p> <p>Do you know the domain existed before the company Facebook (now Meta) existed? It was later bought for $200,000.</p> <p>Do you know Java was introduced on the same day as MySQL was initially released, both on May 23, 1995? And also, do you know Steve Jobs left and rejoined Apple on September 16, exactly 12 years apart?</p> <p>What about your birthday or your friend&rsquo;s birthday? Is it the same as any Computer Scientist&rsquo;s birthday, or notable people who contributed to the IT industry today?</p> <p>Or even today? Is there any significant event happen Computer Science event?</p> <blockquote> <p>With many of us working from home today, how nice if we can other than greet each other (in the message) &ldquo;Good Morning&rdquo;, and also provide a fun fact on Computer Science happening today.</p> </blockquote> <p>Just search the Month-Day (e.g. 0401 for April 1 &mdash; or April Fool), and know what happened the same day many years ago, that contributed to our digital world today.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>