2022 The Northern Route — Copenhagen

<p>Copenhagen is a noisier and dirtier city than the other capitals I&rsquo;ve been in and definitely not as well maintained. But it has beautiful parks and I spent the better part of today in its botanical garden at the U. of Copenhagen. A wonderful place, just like the one in Visby but far larger. And somehow, I walked almost directly to its own pieces of California: a little grove with all three Sequoia species. About the same size as the one in Visby so I presume seeds were circulating over here about the same time. As often happens in Nature, more it seems in places like the garden than in truly natural settings where I am more prone to joy, I become solemn, borderline sad but not really, serious is a better word. Why? I can&rsquo;t say I know. There&rsquo;s an element of feeling so identified with where I am and what I see and experience that I become one with it, which is positive in my way of thinking but a serious transition from a normal sense of self. And at other times the joy seems indicative of the same experience. Both reactions feel appropriate. The difference may have something to do with how active I am at one or the other moments &mdash; in the park/garden I sit and contemplate a good deal whereas in more natural settings I&rsquo;m more active. Perhaps solemnity is associated with contemplation and joy with exerting myself. Joy is more satisfying as an emotion but not more valuable, real, or valid.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@caminobaybooks/2022-the-northern-route-copenhagen-47f16bbc5e08"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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