It’s time to retire the North Hills Indian (Open Letter)

<p>We write in the midst of the Movement for Black Lives, and in solidarity with those who strive for a world free of all racism. These times demand that allies to the causes of diversity, equity, and inclusion take stock of our actions, or inactions, and reconcile them as best we can. For us, that means examining our acceptance of our school&rsquo;s mascot: the North Hills Indian.</p> <p>While North Hills&rsquo; embrace of a racist mascot is more benign than, say, police brutality toward people of color, it is nonetheless an issue that merits our attention. While neither we, nor you, nor the School Board can implement the systemic changes necessary to fully redress racial disparities in this country, other changes are squarely within our power, and therefore our responsibility, to affect. If North Hills hopes to maintain legitimacy with future students, it must know our shared aversion to the Indian mascot will soon become the consensus view. In most regards, it already is.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: North Hills