Normal Classic Pip VS Pip-Compile & Pip-Sync

<p>Why should you care? Well, more companies and teams are starting to use&nbsp;<code>pip-compile</code>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<code>pip-sync</code>&nbsp;instead of the classic&nbsp;<code>pip freeze</code>&nbsp;stuff. So this could be the new norm in a couple of years. This article discusses:</p> <ul> <li>difference in generating&nbsp;<code>requirements.txt</code></li> <li>difference in installing stuff from&nbsp;<code>requirements.txt</code></li> </ul> <h1>First things first, Python virtual environment</h1> <pre> python -m venv env # create a virtual Python environment named &#39;env&#39; env\Scripts\activate.bat # activating env for Windows source env\bin\activate # activating env for MacOS/Linux</pre> <p>It is good practice to use a Python virtual environment so that we can install certain versions of our libraries without these installations messing with our main Python interpreter.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pip Compile