Nonbinary Nightmare!

<p>&ldquo;You have to be careful when you put non binary on your medical records. Last August 15 I went to a local hospital- clinic for a mammogram as ordered by my endocrinologist from a larger clinic 100 miles away. As I waited in the waiting room several staff entered the room and started questioning me as to just why I was there. One woman had made a copy of the cover page of my medical history. She held this paper up to my face pecking away at my nonbinary gender identity. I told her that I had an extremely advanced form of testicular- ovarian cancer and at the advice of my doctor they made an appointment for a mammogram. These people refused to listen to what I was saying and escorted me down the hallway and out the front door of the hospital. I was shocked and ashamed of what was done. I went home and crawled into bed for over a day. My wife also became sick over what was done to me.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>