8 Non-Trivial Greetings for International Women’s Day

<p>International Women&rsquo;s Day (IWD) is a global celebration that&nbsp;<strong>amplifies (= promotes)</strong>&nbsp;the contributions and achievements of women across the globe. If you&rsquo;re wondering when and how to wish someone a Happy International Women&rsquo;s Day in a&nbsp;<strong>genuine (= honest)</strong>&nbsp;and original way, this article will offer a few suggestions.</p> <h1>When to Wish:</h1> <ul> <li><strong>On March 8th:</strong>&nbsp;International Women&rsquo;s Day&nbsp;<strong>falls on (= happens on)&nbsp;</strong>March 8th each year. It&rsquo;s the ideal time to extend greetings to women both in your personal and professional life.</li> <li><strong>Throughout the Week:</strong>&nbsp;Some organizations and individuals extend their celebrations beyond March 8th,&nbsp;<strong>hosting (= organizing and holding</strong>) events or initiatives<strong>&nbsp;throughout the week (= during the whole week)</strong>. So it&rsquo;s not too late to join in on the greetings in the days following March 8.</li> </ul> <p><a href="https://blog.english4it.online/8-non-trivial-greetings-for-international-womens-day-e513e25db5d3"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>