Are you ready to be a manager? The non-negotiable skills

<p>It has been a few days now that I have been pondering about this question.<br /> When do we know someone is ready to be a manager?<br /> When does your manager know you are ready?<br /> When do YOU know you are ready?</p> <p><em>And should you know you are ready before you get the position?</em></p> <p>The only thing that is certain around this topic is that there are as many opinions as there are brains in the world. Not only human&hellip;</p> <p><strong>To solve this mystery, I invite you to do an exercise with me.</strong></p> <h1>1. First, let&rsquo;s talk about your experience. What did the best and worst managers in your life do?</h1> <p>Take a sheet of paper and draw a line in the middle. On the left &mdash; add the behaviours of the worst manager(s) you can think of. On the right (you got it!) &mdash; list the&nbsp;<strong>behaviours</strong>&nbsp;of the greatest leaders you have ever seen and heard of.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*gwlQP8yP6QCjY_8UUYrKgQ.png" style="height:224px; width:700px" /></p> <p>When I think about this exercise, I am lucky to have more examples of great managers than the opposite. The &quot;best manager&quot; list combines the behaviours of my first and last managers. In the &ldquo;worst manager&rdquo;, I thought about an early internship and added some insights from the stories I have heard over the years.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>