If Nobody Sees You, Are You Still There?

<p>This question was obtained from a book I read earlier this year &ldquo;<em>The Death Of Vivek Orji&rdquo; by Akwaeke Emezi</em>. In this book, the main character is exceptionally effeminate and his family found it hard to accept him for who he was. In one of the pages of the book, he is found asking the readers this question and it stuck with me. I have been thinking about this question for months, wondering who I would be if no one saw the real, authentic me.</p> <p>If nobody sees you are you still there?&nbsp;It is a question that goes beyond physical visibility. It&rsquo;s a question of whether we exist in our truest form when we are alone, without the validation of others. It&rsquo;s a question that goes to the heart of our identity and the way we see ourselves in the world.</p> <p>At the core of this question is the idea of validation. We all want to be validated in some way, whether it&rsquo;s through praise for our accomplishments, acceptance from our peers, or simply the knowledge that we are seen and acknowledged by others. As much as we love to deny it, I think we love to be seen by the people we love. We yearn to be admired or liked. The human mind is trained in such a way that we desire validation, but on what and by whom is what truly matters. When you create a beautiful work of art or do something you think is worthy of appreciation, receiving positive feedback is validation that what you are doing is worth it.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@thehappywriter/if-nobody-sees-you-are-you-still-there-d42202cb3734"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: nobody Still