Why Nobody Saw It Coming

<p>True, none of the mainstream economists, those who influence what we read in the news and what governments do, saw the 2008 crisis coming. Some self-deprecating economist drew a meme showing the time economists realize that a bubble, like 2008 popped, was the same time that Wiley Coyote of the Road Runner cartoons realizes he has run out of road: when he&rsquo;s treading air after running off a cliff. The economist who identified this recurring economic blind spot was Hyman Minsky, and so it became known as a Minsky Moment.</p> <p>Long before their complete miss in 2008, economist Ezra Solomon had quipped: &ldquo;God made economists to make astrologers look good&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href="https://janweirlaw.medium.com/why-nobody-saw-it-coming-42e3f2e39d49"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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