Noah Chapter 2: The Dark Truth

<p>British writer Belloc once said, &quot;He who controls the production of wealth controls mankind.&quot;</p> <p>-</p> <p>It was another dark night, and a fine drizzle fell outside the caf&eacute; window. In a small corner, Mark sat tightly gripping a letter. He had found this letter on the caf&eacute; table, and the anonymous sender claimed to know the truth behind the hacker attack.</p> <p>Mark&#39;s heart raced; he knew this could be the answer he had been seeking. He opened the envelope, and inside was only a piece of paper with the words, &quot;The truth is right in front of you, courageously pursue it.&quot;</p> <p>Mark looked around puzzled but didn&#39;t notice anything out of the ordinary. He decided to stay put and carefully ponder the meaning behind this letter. He began to recall a series of recent events, trying to find any clues related to the hacker attack.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Noah Chapter