NJJN Forum 2023 Recap!

<p>This year, our Forum focused on&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Justice is Healing: Community for Collective Liberation &amp; Well-being,&rdquo;&nbsp;</strong>in Los Angeles California! We were excited to co-host with multiple of our California member organizations, including Arts for Healing and Justice Network, Youth Justice Coalition and the Anti-Recidivism Coalition.</p> <p>NJJN members, community partners and allies representing directly-impacted youth and family advocates, legislative policy advocates, community organizers, researchers, direct service providers, system stakeholders and philanthropic partners gathered to share in 2 &frac12; days of collective visioning for the world our movement can help create. Grounded in the values of healing justice, we worked together to share strategies, values, successes and hope for the future!</p> <p><a href="https://njjnetwork.medium.com/njjn-forum-2023-recap-628b1e10d022"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: NJJN Forum