Should Illumination Fully Invest In the Nintendo Franchise

<p>With the overwhelming success of the Super Mario Bros movie earlier this year, is it time Illumination studios to fully invest in further Nintendo movies? The answer is yes, just imagine the product they could produce, with Zelda to Metroid we could be possibly be looking at a movie franchise that could rival the MCU in popularity and possibly produce better product. We are almost guaranteed to get a sequel to Mario and with Donkey Kong and his family already in the movie I think it&rsquo;s a safe bet we won&rsquo;t be getting a solo D.K. movie,but a great Zelda movie or Metroid would be the next stepping stone. Or Illumination could go another direction and give us a Kid Icarus or even crazier an Earthbound movie, this is all a pipe dream and it&rsquo;s really up to Nintendo to do business.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>