How To Create Ninja Smoke Grenades Like The Ones in Batman

<p>Dont add Silver Fulminate&nbsp;<strong>packed</strong>&nbsp;like directly dont&nbsp;<strong>add POP-ITs</strong>, you need to add the crystals in the bottom or the&nbsp;<strong>POP-IT</strong>&nbsp;<strong>material</strong>&nbsp;in the bottom and then add Potassium Nitrate on top. Pack or close the small bag or packet. Now you have a small pocket-sized smoke grenade like the one ninjas use.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*H8Apf5SGJSoa2hzlWw9xoQ.png" style="height:319px; width:329px" /></p> <p>A perfectly working smoke grenade</p> <p>To make it work just throw the bomb on the ground and when the bomb strikes the ground the Silver fulminate explodes first thus creating heat that also causes a reaction or combustion of the Potassium nitrate and sugar mixture thus causing it to burn and create instant smoke.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ninja Smoke