nighttime hallucinations

<p>nighttime hallucinations,<br /> I try to fall asleep<br /> to the sound of famous people<br /> having conversations<br /> about what it&rsquo;s like to be all famous<br /> and lucky and fortunate &mdash;<br /> how wonderful it is<br /> to get to do the things<br /> they were meant to do&hellip;<br /> nocturnal ruminations,<br /> I toss and turn,<br /> flip pancakes and butter up<br /> waffles with whipped cream on top,<br /> a breakfast feast that&rsquo;s just a fiction<br /> to a sick and hungry mind&hellip;<br /> PM devastations,<br /> I reflect on all the ways<br /> this world isn&rsquo;t what it&rsquo;s supposed to be &mdash;<br /> how if we&rsquo;re all so focused<br /> on individual prosperity<br /> and material gain,<br /> this whole experiment is bound to fall apart&hellip;</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>