Early Bird or Night Owl?

<p>Fortunately, for those of us current and prosperous enough to not have had the trauma of living in a pre-electricity era, protected &mdash; and probably softened &mdash; by all of the pleasurable conveniences and nerfed corners of modern life, it&rsquo;s easy to forget that we are shaped, to one degree or another, by&nbsp;<strong>invisible structures</strong>&nbsp;that were formed during harrowingly arduous, survival-of-the-fittest eras of our human story, from which we have done well to escape, but through which we can discover interesting and/or useful clues as to why some or many of us &mdash; author included!&mdash; retain certain behavioural predilections which don&rsquo;t quite perfectly fit with our post-Industrial Revolution schedule.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@dominic.timothy/early-bird-or-night-owl-7e6fd4e89f76"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Night Owl