Ghost Story Saturday: A Stormy Night in Edinburgh

<p>It was a dark and stormy night in Edinburgh, the kind of night that made you want to stay huddled up in bed with the covers pulled over your head. But I was a brave soul, or at least that&rsquo;s what I told myself as I set out into the city.</p> <p>I had heard rumors of a ghost haunting the winding streets of the old town, and I was determined to get to the bottom of it. Some said it was the spirit of a young woman who had died tragically in the 18th century, her body thrown into a well and left to rot. Others claimed it was the ghost of a man who had been hanged for his crimes, his body left to swing in the wind until it was nothing but bones.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>