Silence and inaction in the face of NHS injustice.

<p>I started my NHS career when I was aged 24 and never looked back. I discovered it by accident whilst I was working as a part-time domiciliary care assistant which was flexible being a young mother at the time. I remember travelling in parts of Surrey and wondering if a Somali person had been here before. It was lush and green and the massive homes reminded me of my first home, Holland. However, my first ever paid trial shift was at a Call Centre in Acton through an agency where I had to contact people speaking Dutch doing survey questions. I had somebody come over to see if I was doing the right translation. But I knew it was not for me and office type of work never really appealed to me. I told the agency the following day I was not interested in further shifts. I think that preceded what was the come and defining my leadership. I like to be in the community, getting to know people and their families and holistically providing care.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: NHS injustice