Using Nginx as an API Gateway

<p>In this article, we will utilize Nginx as the API gateway to manage and direct incoming requests to three different microservices. The primary role of the API gateway (Nginx) is to act as an intermediary between clients (e.g., web or mobile applications) and these microservices. Instead of the clients directly accessing each microservice, they will send their requests to the&nbsp;<strong>API gateway,&nbsp;</strong>which will then intelligently route them to the appropriate microservice based on the request&rsquo;s content and destination.</p> <p><strong>What is Nginx?</strong></p> <p>In simple words, Nginx is software that works as a reverse proxy and can be used as a Load balancer to distribute requests to different servers. Nginx helps you to build a web server.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Tags: API Gateway