Taking Your 1:1s to the Next Level

<p>Most people in manager-like positions spend a lot of time in 1:1s. And most people on a team have regular 1:1s with managers. 1:1s can be a precious space to build relationships and dig into challenging topics. But many of us don&rsquo;t realize the potential actually lurking inside the 1:1 format. So most of the time that potential is wasted &mdash; on small talk (&ldquo;How was your weekend?&rdquo;), surface-level updates (&ldquo;Yeah, the project is going pretty well&rdquo;), and venting (&ldquo;Ugh, the marketing team isn&rsquo;t stepping up the way I want them to&rdquo;).</p> <p>What if instead of using that time to exchange pleasantries or air frustrations, you could beeline to deeper conversations and meaningful insights? And what if that change could happen with minimal effort?</p> <p>In this article, I&rsquo;ll introduce you to a new format for 1:1s designed to help you dig deeper, faster &mdash; and build meaningful relationships without sacrificing impact.</p> <p>You might be thinking, &ldquo;A 1:1 is just a conversation. Why would I use something structured just to speak with a colleague?&nbsp;<em>Get outta here.</em>&nbsp;I know how to talk to people.&rdquo; Well, I know how to write. I&rsquo;ve been writing for most of my life. You know what else? My colleague Zoe, a&nbsp;<em>professional</em>&nbsp;editor, offered feedback on this article. Could I have produced something interesting on my own? Sure. Did this turn out significantly better with help? Heck yes.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-ready/taking-your-1-1s-to-the-next-level-16892572a786"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Next Level