My New Painting

<p><strong>I&rsquo;m letting my hair go gray</strong>. My hair is not the main thing I want to focus on in telling you about my new painting, but as this ever-changing reality presents itself to me every time I pass a mirror, it bears mentioning. Also, if like me, you always got a gratifyingly surprised reaction when telling your age, you may have an inkling of what it means to no longer evoke surprise. Aging is an annoyingly major topic among my friends, but honestly, it&rsquo;s just as major and annoying when no one is around but my husband and myself. As a friend explained to me, when grayhairs get together, the first act of the encounter is bound to be a &ldquo;organ recital,&rdquo; an extended kvetch about the parts of our bodies that aren&rsquo;t working as they used to and what we are hoping to do about it.</p> <p>But I digress. I just wanted you to know that I painted my hair in this picture to match the part that is growing out, salt-and-pepper. The hairdresser tells me that after one more haircut, the transformation will be complete. Will I go back to adjust the painting if reality turns out not to match my hunch?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: New Painting