Toronto’s New Flag

<p>You&rsquo;re probably thinking &ldquo;what the&hellip;Toronto has a flag?&rdquo;, and yep, it sure does. Surprised me too. I&rsquo;ve been living in this city for the better part of 10 years, and I&rsquo;ve never seen it. Maybe I&rsquo;ve never noticed it, but we have a flag that we as Torontonians are supposed to rally behind and identify with, and yet, it&rsquo;s kind of underwhelming. So we set out to re-design it.</p> <p>This all came about when a good friend recommended Roman Mars&rsquo;&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">fabulous TED Talk</a>&nbsp;on &ldquo;The worst city flags you&rsquo;ve never noticed&rdquo;. In it, he gives examples of some pretty horrific flag designs, but he also gives amazing examples of flags that define the identity of a city so well that elements of its design are embraced whole-heartedly, like Amsterdam&rsquo;s. The people of Amsterdam love their flag so much that it appears everywhere from coffee cups to store windows to stickers on bikes. After discovering what our existing flag looked like, and knowing that I&rsquo;ve never really seen it anywhere, I thought it was time Toronto had one we could all get behind.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>