Never Give Up

<p>Never give up no matter what,<br /> If between the tick and the tock,<br /> Is all you&rsquo;ve got,<br /> Keep striving but never give up.</p> <p>Every time you fall,<br /> Don&rsquo;t stop giving your all,<br /> It&rsquo;s always to soon to quit,<br /> Giving up ain&rsquo;t never gave shit.</p> <p>To nobody and no one,<br /> Giving up ain&rsquo;t&nbsp;<em>never</em>&nbsp;been fun,<br /> You&rsquo;re victory has now begun,<br /> In the realization that you&rsquo;ve won.</p> <p>In your belief and determination,<br /> The train ain&rsquo;t even left the station,<br /> Your moment is in the now,<br /> You&nbsp;<em>will</em>&nbsp;make it through somehow.</p> <p>Get up right now and seize the hour,<br /> Find some resources and engage your power,<br /> Don&rsquo;t blame others or wait for their help,<br /> If you do so in vain you can blame yourself.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
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