this is why ugly girls will never be pretty

<p>I don&rsquo;t want to be the asshole that tells you this, but thinking you&rsquo;re ugly makes you ugly and thinking you&rsquo;re pretty makes you pretty.</p> <p>If you tell yourself, I am ugly, that affirms your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind is what makes decisions, not your conscious mind. So you tell yourself you&rsquo;re ugly, you&rsquo;re going to make ugly decisions. You&rsquo;re going to skimp out on your skincare. You&rsquo;re going to not take care of your body. Then you&rsquo;re actually going to become physically ugly.</p> <p>But if you affirm, I am beautiful, you&rsquo;re going to make beautiful decisions. Your subconscious is going to think of yourself as a beautiful or hot or sexy or whatever word you like person. You&rsquo;re going to take care of your skin. You&rsquo;re going to move your body. You&rsquo;re going to eat healthy. Then it&rsquo;s going to actually manifest in those behaviors. Those beautiful behaviors are going to make you beautiful.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Never pretty