Struggling Truck Driver Vanishes During Pit Stop At Nevada Casino

<p>Trevor George Angell was a 28-year-old living in Calgary, Alberta, with his wife Teresa and 2-year-old son. He followed in his parents&rsquo; footsteps and became a long-haul truck driver.</p> <p>Like many in the profession, Trevor was burned out and wanted to spend more time with his family. He was unsure what to do next and was seeing a psychologist. Teresa says her husband was intrigued by quick money schemes and had shady friends.</p> <p>On September 19, 2000, Trevor picked up a load of beef at a meat packing plant in Alberta and headed to Los Angeles, California. The 3,000-mile trip took about 25 hours. His mother, Pat, says this was supposed to be his last job and that he wanted to do it as quickly as possible, with few to no stops.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Nevada Casino