David Harvey on the compound rate of capital and why tourism is not just neoliberalisms fault.

<p>All over the world there is protest. If we would zoom out and look at earth from above, with a small light in every place where there is protest, we would see the whole earth lighting up. In Chile, in Equador, in Teheran, Beirut, France&hellip;</p> <p>Harvey recognizes that all these places have something in common. The people rising up in these places all sense that the dominant economic model is not working well for them. How our relationships are organised works very well for top 1, or even top 10 percent of the people &ndash; but not for the masses. So people are taking to the streets to protest against the ways the economy is working.</p> <p>The way the economy is working.. you could call it austerity politics, or neoliberalism. However &ndash; these problems are not that recent. And so the solutions don&rsquo;t ly in fixing a recent damage. Harvey analyses that the current problems are not to be fixed by green capitalism or more equality &ndash; we should go back to the roots.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@henkjanmannberg/david-harvey-on-the-compound-rate-of-capital-and-why-tourism-is-not-just-neoliberalisms-fault-482466f306aa"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>